sábado, 17 de abril de 2021

YOM SHEVI MENUCHAH-7º dia descanso-ingles.)

  The day of rest-YOM SHEVI) MENUCHAH) -is not that Saturday day in Pope Gregorio XIII's calendar which is actually Saturn Day and the Day of the Beast 666.

Book of the Jubilee ... [Chapter 2]

The messenger of presence proclaims Mehshuah ancient history. The creation of the world, the establishment of rests and parties.

2.1 And the messenger of the presence spoke to Mehshuah according to the word of vuvh

Saying: Write the complete story of creation, as in six days vuvh Ulhim completed all his work and everything he created, and kept the menuchah (rest) on the seventh day and set it apart for all ages, and pointed it out in sign throughout his work.

2.17 And He gave us a great sign, the day of yom sheví menuchah (7th day of rest), so that we must work six days, but keep the yom shevií menuchah on the seventh day of all work.

2.15 And they were altogether twenty-two [22] types.

{Jub 2.15 refers to the sum of the types of things created by Ulhim in the 6 days: 7 types on the 1st day; 1 type on the 2nd day; 4 types on the 3rd day; 3 on the 4th; 3 on the 5th; 4 on the 6th. (7 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 22)}

2.16 And He finished all his work on the sixth day. - Everything in heaven and earth, and in the seas and the abyss, and in the light and in the darkness, and in everything.

2.3 And so we see his works, and we worship Him, and we exalt Him because of all his work, because seven [7] great works He did on the first day. (Gen. 1-1-5)

{[1st] Day

1 - Heaven;

2 - Earth;

3 - Waters;

4 - Ruachim who serve you (messengers of presence, messengers of purification, messengers of phenomena of ruach, creatures);

5 - Ruachim of darkness;

6 - Darkness (dusk, dawn);

7 - Light (day).}

2.4 And on the second [2nd] day he created the firmament in the midst of the waters, and the waters were divided on that day. Half of them ascended to the top and half descended below the firmament (which remained) in the middle on the face of the whole earth. And this was the only work that (Ulhim) created on the second day. (Gen. 1.6-8)

{[2nd] Day

- Land in the middle of the waters. The waters were divided. Gen 1.7 says: “Ulhim made the firmament and separated the waters that were under the firmament from those that were above {.”}

2.5 And on the third [3rd] day He ordered the waters to come out of the face of the whole earth to just one place in order to appear dry land.

2.6 And the waters did as He commanded them, and they withdrew from all over the earth to occupy only one place outside the firmament, and dry land appeared.

2.7 And on that day He created for them all the seas according to their separate [gathering] places, and all the rivers, and the gathering of the waters in the mountains and all the land, and all the lakes, and all the dew of the earth, and the seed that is sown, and all the things that sprout there, and fruit trees, and trees of the forest, and the garden of Eden, to dwell in Eden, and all plants according to their species. These four [4] great works Ulhim created on the third day. (Gn 1.9-13) {In Jub 2.7 I believe that the error happened in the extra part of the German version and that the correct meaning would be: “to live in Eden” “in the bliss of Eden” and “In Eden and all” .}

{[3rd] Day

1 - Dry land appeared;

2 - All seas, lakes, rivers, dew;

3 - Seeds, trees;

4 - Garden of Eden.}

2.8 And on the fourth [4th] day He created the sun and the moon and the stars, and placed them in the firmament of heaven, to give light over all the earth, and to rule the day and night, and to separate the light from darkness.

2.9 And Ulhim pointed the sun to be a great sign on earth for the days and for the festive days and rest ... And for the months and the celebrations and the years and the festive days and rest ... Of years and the jubilee and all the seasons of the years.

2.10 And he shared the light of darkness for prosperity. So that all things can, because of him, thrive, sprout and grow on the earth. These three [3] types [of things] He did on the fourth [4th] day. (Gen. 1: 14-19)

{[4th] Day

1 - Sun;

2 - Moon;

3 - Stars.}

2.11 On the fifth [5th] day He created great sea monsters in the depths of the waters, because these were the first creatures of flesh that were created by his hands, the fish and everything that moves in the waters and everything that the birds fly of all species.

2.12 And the sun rose above them to prosper them, and above all that was on the earth, everything that springs up on the earth, and all the fruit trees, and all the flesh. These three [3] types of things He created on the fifth [5th] day.

2.13 And on the sixth [6th] day He created wild animals, and all domestic animals [livestock], and everything that moves on the earth.

{[5th] Day

1 - Marine animals;

2 - Birds;

3 - Plants.}

2.14 And after all this, he created people [man, human species]. He created a man and a woman and gave them dominion over everything on earth, in the seas, and on everything that flies, and on wild animals and domestic animals, and on everything that moves on the earth, and over all the earth, and over all that He gave them dominion. And those four [4] kinds of things He created on the sixth [6th] day.

{6th Day

1 - Wild animals [of the land];

2 - Domestic animals [livestock];

3 - What moves (insects);

4 - Man and Woman.}.

2.15 And they were altogether twenty-two [22] types.

{Jub 2.15 refers to the sum of the types of things created by Ulhim in the 6 days: 7 types on the 1st day; 1 type on the 2nd day; 4 types on the 3rd day; 3 on the 4th; 3 on the 5th; 4 on the 6th. (7 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 22)}

2.16 And He finished all his work on the sixth day. - Everything in heaven and earth, and in the seas and the abyss, and in the light and in the darkness, and in everything.

2.17 And He gave us a great sign, the day of yom shevii menuchah (The 7th rest day), so that we must work six days, but keep the yom shevií menuchah on the seventh day of all work.

2.18 And all the messengers of the presence, and all the messengers of the purification, these.

two big families - He asked us to keep the yom shevvi menuchah with Him in heaven and on earth.

2.19 And he said to us, "Behold, I will separate for myself a people from all peoples, and they shall keep the day of YOM SHEVIÌ menuchah (the 7th day of rest), and they will be my kadosh people, and I will bless them because I have separated the day from yom shevii menuchah Just as I have separated the yom shevii menuchah I have separated myself for this people so that I will bless them and they will be my people and I will be their Ulhim. 

Ivonil ferreira  de carvalho-

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