(shem hameforesh-Yod He-Vav-He) – which is a name given to the creator and therefore called YHVH Yahveh-shem hameforash (“Explicit name”)

And this information then between the filaments that have 2 nanometers... I'm going to explain slowly and I want you to understand...
take a ruler and it will be divided into millimeters, take a millimeter of divide into 1000(thousand) little pieces
each little piece is called a micrometer
take this micrometer and divide it into another 1000 (thousand) pieces...
you will have a nanometer!
and that's where all the genetic information on how to make you is located! as you are in all physical, emotional and spiritual characteristics!
all your information is inside this 1 nanometer diameter thread!
scientists minutely study DNA in search of the origin of life... have made an incredible discovery
this complexity of genetic information is not the result of chance,
random processes do not produce genetic information...
there is a Writer who made you, who wrote you!
without encoded genetic information there is no life!
The origin of this information is the origin of life... I'm going slowly so that everyone understands!!!
look at the picture above, there are bridges that connect these 2 spiral-shaped helices, which are coiled in the nucleus of our cell...
these "bridges" follow a pattern of space...
just as we give space between our words...
as we write...
every 10 information units has a bridge...
then 5 information units have another bridge
then 6 there is another bridge... and then 5 again... and
: and so on!
10 - 5 - 6 - 5
this intrigued the scientists, who thought they had a code in front of them...
because this is code pattern!
and compared to Hebrew letters... no doubt rukha guided them in this comparison...
we know the Hebrew letters are numbers too!!!
and these numbers equal יהוה
yod = 10
rê = 5
vav = 6
rê = 5
so I want you to look at yourself, and think that the Creator's name is in your genetic code inside every cell of your body!
The information is numerous
this information is within our DNA code
we are these letters - written by the Creator!
"For Thou hast formed my inward portion; Thou hast encircled me in my mother's womb. I will give Thee hallel; for I am fearfully and wonderfully formed; magnificent are Thy works; and my soul knows fully well. My bones have not been hid from Thee, when I was formed in the hidden place, and entwined in the lowest portion of the earth. Thy eyes saw my shapeless body, yet in Thy roll all my limbs were already noted, which were formed when none of them existed." Psalms (Tehillim) 139:13 to 16
: personal characteristics!
but they also write their character - personality!!!
that is, with these letters - it is written who you are!
: and who wrote you? and wrote down your name in the Book of Life since before the foundation of the world???
who wrote you is the same one who sealed you to be what you are!
"For You formed my inner portion; You enveloped me in my mother's womb."
: Genes vibrate, rejoice, extend, in a dance of healing and life, when they are covered with love and truth! At the same intensity, they are cornered, they go out and die and are disappointed in the weather and contradictions and ill-treatment of all forms.
: but ...
Your character is born ready! Your personality too!
and there's more... the spacing of these words built with these letters are:
which correspond to the Hebrew letters - yod - re - vav - re - 10 -5 - 6 - 5
letters that form the Name of the Eternal
the V tb corresponds to U, add the information that I will give more now!
Yah...Yahu...Yahveh chose a man to be the originator of the seed - zerah or offspring
From Adam (Adam) to Noach (Noah) – 10 generations. (approximate 1500 year period/e)
From Noach to Avrahah (Abraham) – 10 generations. (500-year period)
Dinah More: From Avraham - would descend the people of the Eternal
number and tribe!
so that we can have a party or have an opinion, first we need to know what these 2 expressions mean...
because otherwise we have a "think" of something we don't even know!
that is: nothing at all!
tribe - means family
family means zerah [Y chromosome] - descent here the text refers to ZERAH - descent
DNA is the acronym for: Deoxyribonucleic acid, organic compound whose molecules contain genetic instructions (established program) that coordinates the development and functioning of all living beings, which is written in the nucleus of cells, inside the chromosome...
The DNA segments that contain genetic information are called - Genes where the word descent comes from
are 4 letters
A, Adenine;
T, Thymine;
G, Guanine;
C, Cytosine
It's like the letters of our alphabet, with which we write everything and a lot of information...
with the lyrics we do this study! because we transform the code-letters into information
what we know is the tip of the iceverg!
because the subject is extremely beautiful and complex!
the Eternal chose a man of direct descent from Set son of Adam to
Y H V H Yahveh is a derivation of the verb hayah(rayá) . This being would be situated in a future or, more precisely, in a “becoming” and, above all, in an “acting” Ulhim identifies with Mehshuáh in shemot 3.14 as “I will be who I will be” or “I will become” What I will become” Therefore the tetragram YHVH that designates the name of Ulhim could be a verb inflection of “havah(Rává)” which would be an “”atavistic form of-hayáh-in the third person of the imperfect”
Image result for yhvh photos
Image result for yhvh photos YUD HEH VAV HEH- יהוּה
YAHSHUAH=Yahveh is Salvation.
“Who ascended to heaven and descended from there?
“Who caught the wind with open hands?
“Who tied the Sea in a tunic?
“Who set the limits of the Earth?
"What is your name; and your son's name
If you know it?Mishle=Proverbs 30.4.
The Septuagint and the Brit Chadasha
For a long time it was believed that the Tetragrammaton [יְהוָה YHWH “Yaué”] did not appear in copies of the Septuagint. We believed that the LXX translators had followed the custom that developed among the Jews of replacing Yahveh with Adonai while reading the Tanach. Hence, some argued that when Ketuvim Netzarim/New Testament writers quote from the Tanach/Old Testament, they must not have used the Name of the eternal in their writings. number 3522, dates from the first century CE. It measures approximately 7 by 10.5 centimeters, and contains an excerpt from Job 42:11, 12. The Tetragrammaton is in ancient Hebrew characters. Testament?] In the Journal of Biblical Literature, George Howard [1], associate professor of religion at the University of Georgia, wrote: “Since the Tetragram was still written in the copies of the Greek Bible, which comprised the Scriptures from the early community, it is reasonable to believe that the KN/NT writers, by quoting Scripture, preserved the Tetragrammaton within the biblical text.” — 1977, Volume 96, No. 1, page 77. When in his shene biat the Mashyah comes to be esteemed in his saints ... he will bring his reward ... to give to each according to his works; Gilyaahna (Rev) 2.12 and 8.11 and Yashayahu=isaias 40.10.
The sounding of the seventh trumpet ends when... Yahshuah HaMashyah manifests, from the shamaym = heavens, with the malachim = angels of his power, like a blaze of fire, taking revenge on those who do not know Yahveh. And of those who do not obey the good news of Yahshuah HaMashyah; Who by punishment will suffer eternal destruction, before the face of the Lamb Yahshuah and the glory of his power, when he comes... with lightning
lightnings, and voices and thunders and earthquakes, and great hail...to lay the earth in desolation and destroy her sinners!...when then at that time...the burning shamaym=heavens will merge, and the earth and the works that will burn in it... 2nd Thess, 1,7-10. and Gilyahna (Apo) 8, 1-5 and 11.19. and Yashayahu=isaias 13, 9-13. and 2nd kephah=Peter 3.7-10.
The Septuagint and the Brit Chadashah
For a long time it was believed that the Tetragrammaton [יְהוָה YHWH “Yaué”] did not appear in copies of the Septuagint. We believed that the LXX translators had followed the custom that had developed among the Jews of replacing Yahveh with Adonai while reading the Tanak. Hence, some argued that when Ketuvim Netzarim/New Testament writers quote from the Old Testament Tanak, they must not have used the Name of the eternal in their writings. 3522, dates from the first century CE. It measures approximately 7 by 10.5 centimeters, and contains an excerpt from Job 42:11, 12. The Tetragrammaton is in ancient Hebrew characters. Testament?] In the Journal of Biblical Literature, George Howard [1], associate professor of religion at the University of Georgia, wrote: “Since the Tetragram was still written in the copies of the Greek Bible, which comprised the Scriptures from the early community, it is reasonable to believe that the KN/NT writers, by quoting Scripture, preserved the Tetragrammaton within the biblical text.” — 1977, Volume 96, No. 1, page 77. When in his shene biat the Mashyah comes to be esteemed in his saints ... he will bring his reward ... to give to each according to his works; Gilyaahna (Rev) 2.12 and 8.11 and Yashayahu=isaias 40.10.
The sounding of the seventh trumpet ends when... Yahshuah HaMashyah manifests, from the shamaym = heavens, with the malachim = angels of his power, like a blaze of fire, taking revenge on those who do not know Yahveh. And of those who do not obey the good news of Yahshuah HaMashyah; Who by punishment will suffer eternal destruction, before the face of the Lamb Yahshuah and the glory of his power, when he comes... with lightning
lightnings, and voices and thunders and earthquakes, and great hail...to lay the earth in desolation and destroy her sinners!...when then at that time...the burning shamaym=heavens will merge, and the earth and the works that will burn in it... 2nd Thess, 1,7-10. and Gilyahna (Apo) 8, 1-5 and 11.19. and Yashayahu=isaias 13, 9-13. and 2nd kephah=Peter 3.7-10.
With this same thought, Wikipedia says: “The antiquity and legitimacy of the Tetragram with the Name of Ulhim for the Jews can be seen in the renowned Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, called the Greek Septuagint, where the Tetragram is written in archaic Hebrew or Paleo-Hebrew. They have been found in fragments of early copies of the LXX (Papyrus LXX Lev. b, Cave No. 4 of Qumran, dated to the 1st century BC) where the Tetragrammaton YHWH' is represented in Greek letters (Leviticus 3:12; 4: 4: 27). Studies reveal that only in later copies of the Greek Septuagint, dating from the end of the 1st century AD onwards, did scribes begin to replace the Tetragrammaton YHWH with Kýrios, which means LORD (in capital letters) and by Theos, which means God. This is why YHWH graphically disappeared from the New Testament text in some biblical translations. Dr. Paul E. Kahle writes:
“We now know that the Greek text of the Bible [the Septuagint], insofar as it was written by Jews for Jews, did not translate the name of the eternal by kyrios [L-Lord], but the Tetragrammaton written in Hebrew or Greek letters was retained in such MSS [manuscripts].” — The Cairo Geniza, pages 222, 224. So why were the LXX and TN copies later altered? Would using the name YHWH cause problems for orthodox Christianity? Well, consider what happened when the name was removed. After the first century, "Christian" scribes replaced the name of YWHW with words such as "Gd" and "L-Lord" in both the Septuagint and the NT According to Professor Howard, this probably contributed to the turmoil by which the Christianity passed in later years: It may be that the removal of the Tetragrammaton significantly contributed to later Christological and trinitarian debates that plagued the church of Christians.”
It is also of interest to note that the eternal Name, in the form of the Tetragrammaton, also appears in Origen's six-column Septuagint Hexapla, completed in about 245 CE. Commenting on Psalm 2:2, Origen wrote of the Septuagint:
"In the most accurate manuscripts, THE NAME appears in Hebrew characters, though not in modern Hebrew [characters], but in older ones." Aquila wrote the name of the eternal in Hebrew in his Greek text as early as the second century. The evidence is conclusive that the Septuagint was altered very early on, Kýrios (S-nhor) and Theós (Gd) being used as substitutes for the Tetragrammaton. Since the Netzarim used manuscripts that contained the name of the eternal, it cannot be assumed that they followed the Jewish tradition of avoiding pronouncing “THE NAME” during their ministry. No doubt they could testify for the name of Yahveh יְהוָה directly from the Greek Septuagint.
Apparently by the first century, most Orthodox Jews no longer used the revealed name of the eternal. However, there are manuscripts which prove that the early Hebrews who used the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures could see the Hebrew Tetragrammaton used in the Greek text. As George Howard, professor of religion and Hebrew, said: “[When the Septuagint which the New Testament community used and quoted contained the Hebrew form of the name of Ulhim, the writers of the renewed covenant brit chadashah] undoubtedly included the Tetragrammaton in their quotes. But when the Hebrew form for the name of the eternal was [later] dropped in favor of Greek substitutes in the Septuagint, it was also dropped from the quotations in the Bryth Hadashah (NT).” Thus, Professor Howard argues that first-century netzarim certainly clearly understood texts like Matthew 22:44, where Yahshuah quoted the Hebrew Scriptures to his enemies.
Howard says: "The first century Netzarim communities probably read: 'YHWH told my Sovereign'" rather than the later version: "'The S-Lord told my S-Lord' . which is both ambiguous and imprecise.” — Psalm 110:1.
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (Volume 2, page 512) says Recent textual discoveries cast doubt on the idea that the LXX [Septuagint] compilers translated the Tetragrammaton YHWH by kyrios. The oldest MSS LXX (fragments) now available have the Tetragram written in Hebrew characters in the Greek text. This custom was continued by later Jewish translators of ([AT] in the first centuries AD."
“In the [Greek] manuscripts of the Tanak communities, the name of the eternal was not rendered by 'kyrios' as has often been thought. Normally, the Tetragram was written in Aramaic or Paleo-Hebrew letters... At a later time, 'theos' [Gd] and 'kyrios' replaced the Tetragram. . . There are good reasons to believe that a similar pattern evolved in the NT, namely, the name of the eternal was originally written NT in the quotes from, and allusions to the AT, but in the course of time it was replaced by substitutes.” - New Testament Abstracts, March 1977, p. 306. Wolfgang Feneberg comments in Jesuit magazine Entschluss/Offen (April 1985):
“He [Yahshuah] did not hide his father YHWH's name from us, but entrusted it to us. It is otherwise inexplicable why the Lord's Prayer's first petition is read: 'May your name be sanctified!...in the Netzarim manuscripts for Greek-speaking Jews, the name of YHWH was paraphrased with kýrios [S -nhor], but was written in the form of the Tetragrammaton in Hebrew or Archaic Hebrew characters... . we find references to the name in the writings of the Church Fathers”. Dr. P.Kahle says:
“We now know that the text of the Greek Bible [the Septuagint] to the extent that it was written by Jews for Jews did not translate the name of the eternal by kyrios, but the Tetragrammaton written in Hebrew letters in the Greek translations, was retained in such MSS [ manuscripts]. It was the Christians who replaced the Tetragrammaton with kyrios, when the divine name written in Hebrew letters was no longer understood”. - The Cairo Geniza, Oxford, 1959, p. 222
This is an interesting question from the prophet to the people of the saints of the Most High.
On the importance of knowing the name of the Eternal Creator of all things; And also the name of his son Salvador.
In Yashayahu=Isaiah 52,6. Say... my people will know my name;
The tetragram YHVH, refers to the name of the Eternal, in original Hebrew.
And it appears about 6828 times in Hebrew in Tanak, and indicates, as it is a well-known name, which dispensed with the presence of auxiliary vowel signs (intercalated vowels).
The antiquity and legitimacy of the YHVH tetragram as the name of the Eternal Creator for the Hebrews; È proven in the passage of Shemot=Exodus chapter 3; Where The Eternal revealed to Mehshuah (Moses,) his name hitherto not revealed to man, in the following words... Mosheh said to the Eternal; When I appear before the Hebrew people and tell them; His ancestors Ulhim sent me to you; and they ask me; What's his name? What shall I tell them? Ulhim said to Mehshuah (Moses) “Ehyeh Asher Ehyer; which BJC translates as=I Am Serey; what Am Serey=added... Tell that to the people of the Hebrews; Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh the Ulhim = Eternal Creator, of his parents, The Ulhim of Avraham, the Ulhim of Ytz'chak and the Ulhim of Ya'akov, sent me to you. That's my name forever; I want to be remembered that way, generation after generation. Now even the Egyptians will know that I AM. YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH.
I appeared to Avraham and Ytz'chak and A Ya'akov as Ulhim Tiz, va'ot=The Almighty of the heavenly armies; But by my name Y H V H I did not make them known; Shemot=exodus 6.2. This is how it is written in Tanak.
In Devarym=Deut-6.4. The Eternal re-emphasizes his name to the Israelites saying... listen Ô Yashorul=Ysarel...YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH is one; in Hebrew it is pronounced “YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH echad. Echad=errad is a numeral is the number one, meaning He is unique.
The concern to make his name clear to the Hebrews. He made YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH warn his people by saying. the name of other Ulhim (gods) you do not remember; Shemot=Exodus 23,1,2.
Later the prophet remembering said... The one whose glorious arm, He made walk by the direct hand of Mehshuah=Moses? Who split the waters before them, to create an eternal "YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH NAME"; Yashayahu=Isaias, 63.12-16.
There is information that the change of names arose in the translation of Jerome's Latin Vulgate in the 4th century. This is confirmed by discoveries, confirming the permanence of the name Y H W H in the Septuagint (version of the 70s). In the last book of Tanak alone, that of the prophet Malakias, the Tetragram Y H W H in Hebrew characters appears about 48 times.
A search of the Tanak of the Yahudim=Jews... where the tetragram appears 6828 times; reveals the evidence that They always used YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH as the name of the Eternal One.
Earlier copies of the Greek Septuagint (Version 70) have recently been discovered to contain the tetragram Y-H-V-H, albeit in fragmented form. One of them discovered in Egypt is the fragmentary remains of a papyrus scroll from the LXX with a part of Devarym=Deut-32, 3,6 identified as Papyrus Foud Inventory No. 266. It presents 49 times the Tetragrammaton written in square Hebrew characters, and in each occurrences of YHVH in unidentified fragments (O 116, and 117, and 123) Scholars date this papyrus to the 1st century before the mashiach; And in this case they were written 4 or 5 centuries before the aforementioned manuscripts.
Commenting that the oldest fragments of the Greek Septuagint actually contain Y H V H in Hebrew characters. Dr P, Kahle says... we now know that the Greek text of the septuagint as far as being written by Yahudim=Jews for Yahudim=Jews did not translate the divine name YHVH by Kyrios (Greek=sir) but the tetragram written with Hebrew letters were retained in such manuscripts. It was the Christians who replaced the Tetragramme Y H V H with the Greek Kyrios (Sir) as early as the 4th century. When the divine name was no longer understood.
Fulfilling the words of the Hebrew prophets... The prophets prophesy lies and are prophets of deception...and makes my people forget my name “Y H V H” just as their fathers forgot my NAME Y H V H; Yahmiahu=Jeremiah 23,26,27.
In the second half of the first millennium it was current, the scribes known as Masorets (doctors of the Torah) introduced a system of vowel signs, to facilitate the reading of the consonant text in Hebrew. MASSORÁ was a set of critical and grammatical comments (spelling, vocalization, division into clauses and paragraphs, etc.) The word "Massorah" is a HEBREW word that means "TRADITION
In ancient Hebrew only consonants were written, and vowels were only pronounced, that is, vowels were transmitted, through generations of the Jewish people, orally and not in writing, since the Hebrew language writing had only consonants .
The Masorites were responsible for adding vowels to the modern Hebrew text.
GOTTWALD, Norman K. Socio-literary introduction to the Hebrew Bible. Translated by Anacleto Alvarez. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1988.
E-SWORD. the sword of the lord with an electronic edge. 2007. Biblical Commentaries and Tools Software.
The Masoretic signs that make the difference, in this case, the ones that interest us to identify the true pronunciation for the Names of the Father YAHVEH and the Son YAHVEH, obviously with the prefix of the Father's name YAH+SHUA=Salvation of YAHVEH, are the. Kamatz, Shuruk, and Patar”. YAHVEH and YAHSHUAH. Masoretic Kamatz Patar under the YUD Consonant Initiates the YA Pronunciation. The Letter HEY has a double R (RR) sound in the middle and changes at the end. So we've already got YOD-HEY. The VAV with the Shuruk masoretic gives Vav the sound of V and the Final Letter of the tetragram also HEY, but in the end, without sound, thus forming: YOD HEY VAV HEY the four Letters of the SACRED TETRAGRAM-THE FATHER'S NAME.
YAHVEH= יַהְוֶה Remembering that in Hebrew it is always written from right to left
This is the quadratic form of the TETRAGRAM KADOSH (sacred)-press-or modern-without the Masoretics. By placing the masoretic signs, we start to identify the correct pronunciation, sound-phoneme-phonetics. It is from the SACRED TETRAGRAM that the countless Transliterations depart

.יהוה-yud hê vav hê that transliterated are Y H V H=YAHVEH= is the only name that is really the proper name of ETERNAL CREATOR. The other names are titles and not names themselves.
The name YAHVEH=יַהְוֶה is derived from the causative form of the Hebrew verb HAVAH (הָוָה), which means “to be”, or “to exist”.
And according to Jewish tradition it is the third person of the imperfect in the
singular of the verb to be "to exist"
His name contains the Tetragram YHWH, which also forms the name of his Father. AVINU SHE-BA-SHAMAYIN, or Our Father in Heaven
The name of the eternal in its full form.
......................Yahveh full form
......................Yahu triliter form
......................Yah forms bile.
Therefore, the name of the son Yahshuah has in it,
The full meaning of "Yah+Shuah=Yahveh is Salvation= = יהשועה
Yah Father name prefix Yahveh, Shuah=Salvation...HWHY...Yahshuah
Remembering that in Hebrew it is written from right to left.
יהשועה = YAHSHUAH the name of the child written from right to left in Hebrew characters transliterated.
English: as you can see this Name has none, massôrach,
י). Yôd = Y
ה). hey = oh
ש). Shin = SH = X
ו ) VAV shuruk=U
ע). Ain = A,
ה ) Hêi =H MUTE.
For lack of better information, they formed
the groups....of Yahveh.
PRAISE TO YAH=YAHSHUAH; hallel praise, Yah the name of the Eternal, perfect no? If the father's name were God it would be hallelu deus; if the child were Jesus, it would be hallelu SUS; not? How are Christians who say hallelu yah? Will they change to hallelu SUS or hallelu deus?

Agora compare aqui os nomes compóstos.
In Yachonam=JOHN 5:43 Yahshuah declares "I CAME IN MY FATHER'S NAME" (Yahshuah=Yahweh is Salvation), and do not accept me, if another comes in his own name, (Jesus, God;) that you will receive.
The Jesus of the churches "appeared in his own name and was received by many, but YAHSHUAH always acted in the name of the Father.
See the following connection:
JE-SUS (OF-US) JU-GOD (JERU-SALEM What is the connection between these names here? Besides the letter J that above all only came into existence FROM THE 16TH CENTURY. There is no grammatical connection!! NONE!!!
Compound names are those that have the prefix or suffix of the name of the Eternal Yahveh;
There the words of Yahveh are fulfilled by his prophets; “So they will put my name on the children of Yashorul=Israel=and I will bless them...and all the peoples of the earth will see that you bear the name of Yahveh, and they will be in fear of you...M'dbar=Numbers 6 ,26.27. and Devarym=Deut-28.10.
Now yes! we can clearly make the connection between the name of the Father, the Son, the holy city and the people. As stated in Dani+el 9:19... "Hear YHWH... for your city (Yahshalaym ) and your people (Yahudim=Jews) are called by YOUR NAME (YAHVEH). Revelation 14:1 E . .....144,000 having HIS NAME AND THE NAME OF HIS FATHER on his forehead =...Yahshuah = יהשועה "that is! יַהְוֶה YAHWEH =YARRUEH IS SALVATION!
HIZAYOM = Revelation 22: 4 SAYS AND ... They will behold his face, and on his forehead is the hashem = HIS NAME.
Hashem, means "the name" ha is the definite article, and is pronounced "the"
YAHVEH= יַהְוֶה YAHSHUAH= יהשועה
Always remembering that in Hebrew it is written from right to left!
n information that I don't know if everyone has, but it is proof that the name of the savior is and has always been "YAHSHUAH HAMASHYAH". Please take a look: PLEASE PAY good attention to this information I will pass on: "Pope Julius III (1553 CE) signed a decree banning the talmud in Rome. The decree was executed on September 9th (Rosh HaShanah) and anything resembling the Talmud, that is, anything written in Hebrew characters, would be confiscated, while synagogues and Jewish homes would be violated. Jean Du Tillet, Bishop of Brieu, France, was visiting Rome at that time. Du Tillet was stunned to hear the news that there was a Hebrew manuscript of Matthew (shem tov) among other Hebrew manuscripts. Du Tillet acquired the manuscript and returned to France, depositing it in the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris. The same (the manuscript) remains there to this day, recorded as Hebrew MS. No. 132" SOURCE: In the Old Hebrew Text of St. Mattew's Gospel, Hugh Schonfield; 1927; for. 3-4; and HRV Scriptures, Witnesses to the Text of the New Testament, Hebrew Sources, Du Tillet Matthew, 2004, p. xliii. Rodrigo Ben Yhwh
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia; It explains, rationally, the question of the letter J. It is true that the letter J does not exist in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. How then does this letter appear in biblical names in almost every language we are familiar with?
Because all the Bibles bring Jeremiah Judah to Jerusalem etc.,!...If there is no letter J in iAlfabetys Yvrii=Hebrew?. What happened was the following, the Greeks engaged in translating the Hebrew Scriptures (note that the Tanakh-Scriptures, and Bryt hadashah, are originally mentioned as being Hebrew) into their Greek language (Septuagint=Version 70) did not find it in Greek language a consonant corresponding to the Hebrew YUD. And the solution was to resort to the Greek vowel IOTA, which corresponds to our I. Then they wrote Ieremias, starting with I, and so on, including "Iesous" IN Hebrew the letter YUD represents both the vowel I and the consonant Y. The same happens with latym with the letters I and U. The use of the letters J and V to represent consonant I and U, occurred at the time of the Renaissance, was disseminated by Pierre de La Ramée, French philosopher, reformer of Aristotelian logic, adhered to the reform Protestant in 1561. He was killed in the massacre that followed the night of St Bartholomew on August 8, 1572.
He wrote dialectical institutions in 1543. The expression "Ramist letter" became a common designation, given to the consonants J and V, in honor of him." Hebrew savior "Yahshuah" for Jesus with J, and as explained, there is no letter J in the Alphabets Yvrii=Hebrew. And we all know that proper name does not translate, it is a crime called "ideological falsehood" and gives jail. Any serious linguistics teacher knows this.
On Bible translations we read what the Encyclopedia Britannica 1974-79-Vol-10-pg 126 says...The doctrine has developed gradually over several centuries. And passing through many controversies; initially for two reasons, the requirement of monotheism inherited from the Tanakh=Old Testament, and the implication of the need to interpret the teachings of the Bible for Greco-Roman paganism.
Thus, the finger of Christian Roman Catholicism was always present in the translations of the Scriptures, into other languages. The Scriptures were then under the full control and influence of Rome.
See what the professor of Ancient History at USP, Maria Luiza Corassim said in the Revista Super-Interesante-Editora Abril..."From the 2nd to the 15th century, copies of the sacred books were in the convents. They added what they wanted"
The oldest manuscripts date from approximately the year 400 to the present era. And they are copies of copies, chosen among countless numbers by Catholic bishops and priests, gathered in council.
Besides being biased, Bible translation was never an easy task. See what the Brazilian Bible Society Translation Commission says, in the commentary extracted from "Nature and Purpose of the Bible in Today's Language"...No Bible translation is perfect. Translators better than anyone else know the difficulties of the task they were given.
So it is a true fact that the name Jesus is false. In fact, Pope Leo X, privileging an untruth because of his high class, made this surprising statement "what profit did not this fable of the name Jesus Christ bring us?" its purposes; They began to spread their ideas and religious beliefs around the world. With that, knowledge and reason were replaced by the dogmatic fables of Mother Babylon.
It should be noted, the damage that the world has suffered with the mental debasement, imposed by religious beliefs and superstitions. "OF THE OLD PROSTITUTE WHO...SITS ON MANY WATERS...HIZAYOM 17" With which the true knowledge of the truth, suffers a sensible stagnation.
The only class that really benefits from religion is the institutions themselves. The legend of the name of Jesus Christ closely parallels the story of Jesus Krishinah, even in detail, as presented by the noted mythologist and scholar Gerald Massey more than 100 years ago; Also by the Rev, Robert Taylor for over 160 years.
Pastor Fanini of the Baptist Church made the following statement "I stay with Jesus who is Brazilian" unfortunately Mr Fanini made a bad choice, since there is no news of a Brazilian savior!.
The correct name is "Yahshuah" deriving from Yahveh, with the noun Shuah=Salvation; Yahshuah=Yahveh is salvation!
It's simple and practical for those who want to see, not invent.
In chapter 1.21 of mattytiahu=mateus where the angel reports the name of the savior before he was born. It's like that in the Hebrew...see karata et shemou yahshuah ki hu yoshah et amo me aonoteiêm...which was transliterated as...
"and thou shalt call him Yahshuah Savior, for he shall save his people from all their sins"
In verse 23...and Yashayhau 7,14....completes the prophecy of Yashayahu=isaias..."The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him "Imanu Yah" Whose meaning is "Yah with us" Yah Father's name prefix, Imanu in Hebrew is with us!
Emanu El is an idolatrous corruption; imanu=us is the prefix El de beel god sun of the Canaanites!
a very important information, yet another proof that the name of the savior is and always was "YAHSHUAH HAMASHYAH".
"Pope Julius III (1553 CE) signed a decree banning the Talmud in Rome. The decree was executed on September 9 (Rosh HaShanah) and anything that looked like the Talmud, that is, anything that was written in Hebrew characters , would be confiscated, while synagogues and Jewish homes would be violated. Jean Du Tillet, Bishop of Brieu, France, was visiting Rome at that time. Du Tillet was amazed to hear that there was a Hebrew manuscript of Matthew (shem tov) among other Hebrew manuscripts. Du Tillet acquired the manuscript and returned to France, depositing it in the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris. The same (the manuscript) remains there to this day, registered as Hebrew MS. No. 132" SOURCE: In the Old Hebrew Text of St. Matthew's Gospel, Hugh Schonfield; 1927; for. 3-4; and HRV Scriptures, Witnesses to the Text of the New Testament, Hebrew Sources, Du Tillet Matthew, 2004, p. xliii. Rodrigo Ben Yhwh
Hebrew ====transliterated!
This is the true and only name of the savior who came from the Yahudim=Jews, the lion of the tribe of Yahudah=Judah and son of Daod(David.)
So proper name is not translated or modified, but transliterates, it's different! every serious student of linguistics knows this. The fact that some want to adopt and/or decline proper names does not exist in linguistics, it is a lack of knowledge of it.
So there is no adaptation of the name Yahshuah, in any sense.
Let nominative=nickname, pseudonym.
Dativo=it would be as if Yahshuah were a place, an object! which is not the case, he is a person and has a proper name.
Genitive=would be the idea that originates from Yahshuah; Which the Greco-Roman name Jesus has no connection with the Hebrew""""""""""Yahshuah".
See Hebrew Alphabet, not corresponding to letter J
changes (like h for "man")
always hard (as in "cat" or "war")
h aspirated (as in English, "house")
h heavily aspirated
t emphatic
i semivocallic (as in "May")
l always consonant
m always consonant
not always consonant
practically mute (like 'aleph)
join t and s in one pronunciation
emphatic k
r always vibrant (as in Spanish)
Shin (or Sin)
שׁ (שׂ)
sh (or s)
sh, ch or x (or s, like samekh)
Extracted from the book "O TETRAGRAMA"
From ivonil blacksmith to oak .....literatures victories of a prince
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